Katrina Kroeze, Senior Advisor - ESG, Strategic Sustainability & Stakeholder Engagement; GHD
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Katrina Kroeze, Senior Advisor - ESG, Strategic Sustainability & Stakeholder Engagement; GHD

Katrina Kroeze, Senior Advisor - ESG, Strategic Sustainability & Stakeholder Engagement; GHD

Katrina is an experienced communication, stakeholder engagement, and facilitation consultant, focused on all things ESG with a commitment to developing and leading mutually beneficial programs. For her clients, Katrina focuses on the big-picture strategy to ensure that interested stakeholders are engaged at the right time, using the right tools and techniques, using concepts and terminology that is plain-language. Ultimately, Katrina's goal is to lead engagement programs that result in better outcomes that are more accepted by all stakeholders involved. With strong organizational, planning, communications, and project management skills, Katrina has successfully designed, implemented, and facilitated over 80 stakeholder engagement events, workshops, and information sessions.



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